Yesterday while waiting at the bus stop, saw 25 white ambassador’s 4 “lal batti wali gaddi”, ambulance and 3 police vans. When they were passing by, all traffic was discontinued and then “shaan se shavari” nikali. I was wondering if Pratibha maam is scheduled to arrive today what are these ambassador’s doing on road and making us suffer? All ambassador’s were appearing empty to us except the driver there was no one , then my bro said that they have painted glass which hinders our view but I wasn’t convinced as what I saw is just driver. And what you see is what you believe
The irony for Indian common man was that on the other side there was an ambulance “weeping” but who listens to her? The leaders are more important then the sick common man, after all we are used to it.
The luxuries in India – just one a lal batti gaddi !!!
Keep Faith
Chakoli :)
Chakoli :)
i don't like this president !!!
Political processions n need to provide security often puts common man last, n all delhites know this too well :P
Yet, look at the bright side, it gets a lot of people, frm traffic police to people maintaining the road, to do their job.
Try following the last car.. you can cover the distance in quarter the usual time.. I did once . ;-)..
But that was CM's procession I think so its manageable..
Got to your space today after few days. Read last 2 and this one.
I love you : Very nice subtle humour.
Ads : Good one. Amul takes the cake. They always use the latest happening to their advantage.
President Cavalcade : It is bitter reality that " aam aadmi " be damned but priority goes to political bigwigs and that too in order of precedent i e if President is passing through cavalcade of even PM will be stopped to let President pass.
Take care
she has put on weight... no?? hehhe!
i never liked this President ever.. APJ sir...was the best :)
she s worthless prez and the only reason she s a prez is that she s sonia loyalist.....
many controversies have surrounded this worthless lady including breach of protocol in Brazil....
pity that after Dr Kalam, we had this as prez
I was also the one of the victim of this “shaan se shavari” :((
yahi hai india meri jaan
Well... depends totally...
i think its important to have such tight security for ppl in power!!! How much instability can be cause in the system if something wrong happens is noways can be compared to wat we go through!!!
and this happens everywhere... not just in India!!! :)
We have yet to see the charisma of this prez.But yes, political processions and convoys are very troublesome for the common man.
All politicians r TAKERS..not GIVERS.
Ankur, it doesnt happene everywhere. at least not in US. if Dubyaman is travelling on a trip and if he violates signal, he s sure to get a ticket :)
r u trayin to tell me that there are signals for him... and we are talkin abt President btw...
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