Some how I believe it… there is no proof which I could give to you guys , how could I trust my action and were they beneficial ever and what logic I used to interpret them. But they do help mea lot for sure…
Infact a simple exercise when I started in school I used to follow and it did help…
Try this, when you are in library/bookstore. Think about a problem that concerns you. Close your eyes, and suggest silently to your Inner Guide that you are seeking advice. Ask it to help you learn what you need to know.
Now, wander freely through the aisles. Avoid noticing where you are; just trust your inner promptings to guide you. When you feel ready, pick up a book and open to a page. Read the entire page, and try to relate what is there to your problem. You may be surprised to find just what you needed. If the information doesn't seem related, pretend the message is in a code that you must decipher. Look for a subtle meaning.
Meaning is everywhere - literally at your fingertips - but you must seek it out.
Btw , check out this amazing catch guys :
Keep Faith
Chakoli :)
Chakoli :)
Hmmm... I took your advice and walked through the aisles of a supermarket, searching for a cigarette lighter. I came across condoms! Your advices are good! :D
interesting advice.. will try out someday.
I had heard of 6th sense but this could be rated as nth sense. LOL. Now seriouly, at times it does happen that your subconsciou mind does guide you to solutions.
Take care
now you are almost talking like paolo coelho :-)
aur main kitni bhi ghatiya post likh lun,,you always find something positive in it :).. thanks ...huggs
What I usually find is that when I read a book or an article, somehow I start seeing the part of the story/article in my day to day life. For eg, I am these days reading a story on Gen Zia ul-Haq and somehow I stumble on news articles on him randomly.
The catch was awesome.
Oh my god!!!
oh my god!!!
Dear, u say it...hunch or intution or instincts never betray us and thats when we do it we suffer!!!
bang bang on target!!
what a great catch:). ozs at their best!
hmm..interesting advise...will go to library soon:)
Good post!
I always followed only one thing in my life...and thats MY INSTINCTS.
@Nikhil :))
I knw... always follow my adivice ;-)
@Reema :))
sure dear do let me know the results...
whatever sense dont know... but is sure to help you :)
next paul cohleo in making kya... ya indian version of paul ;-)))
hey dear ...just take care :)) and be happy :)))))))))
is it... thats really strange... :)) I shud say ur instinct wrk a lot :))
yup I dod agree... instincts never ever drive u wrong...
I knw... they are really best...:DDD
do let me know the results ;-)
@keshi :))
Thanks sweetie :))
mmmm....I once forgot to take the change and remembered that I had forgotten to take after reaching home... It doesn't work all the times :(
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