I Want To Sleep...

Ever since I came to this guest house, I wake up at 5.00. No Suddenly I'm not changed to a religious/spiritual personality but its due to the "alarm clock".

My caretaker has two assistant, who sleep in the apartment, and as they need to cook for the whole lot they might fix up an alarm of 5.00 a.m. But , it happens that I wake up because of that irritating alarm, try to sleep by putting pillow over my ear or the quilt , but when nothing works, I open up my eyes, count up to 100 , thinking that they might wake up and switch off the sound. But all in vain.

Finally , I get up , drink water open up the door and then try to figure out where the alarm watch is kept and finally I switch it off. And what I see.. those two people who are sleeping on floor with just a bed sheet are deep in sleep and me who is not able to sleep in spite of a warm quilt, a cozy bed, and room equipped with AC/fan just due to an irritating sound being produced at a distance of 35-40 ms.

Why am I so delicate?

I have many times seen people sleeping peacefully under a tree, on a roadside (with huge traffic and honking at its best), and me ... I get up with just a pinch of a sound!!

I still envy those people who could sleep at anytime and any place!!Because I guess that's the biggest asset one could ever posses and would remain his forever!!

I want to sleep now :)

Keep Faith
Chakoli :)


Tarun Mitra said...

That is what we called dog tired

well given the hard work such sleep is imperative

Reema said...

and u know I know some people who think eating and sleeping are a waste of time!

Raj said...

Hahaha :) I'm one of those blessed who will sleep immediately after going to bed. But, when its heavy noise or kid keeps crying, I'll wake up.

Chakoli said...


I know... but even I do... hardwork cant always be related to labour work...

Chakoli said...


if I m given a choice among eating and sleeping I would rather choose sleeping..;)

Chakoli said...


Hmmm... good that you posses that asset :D lucky you

Karan Agrawal said...

I guess sleeping is one of the best thing to happen with us, by default. It is a gift, which many dont care...

Imagine, if it would have been just an "option" for human beings or only thrice a week kinda situation! It is terrifying!

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