Did you ever hear words like Techno-guilt and
Techno-shaming? Well, we can understand, being a working parent, and juggling
to strike a right balance you might have simply shrugged off these “unwanted” Internet jargon! But, you need to know just
because you a parent to a child born in internet and technology world.
Techno-guilt is when a parent feels guilty because he uses
technology like television, laptop, Smartphone to keep his kids occupied, more
like using technology as a babysitter! Techno-shaming is when a parent feels the
guilt on allowing his child to use technology in a public space. Have you ever
noticed the frowning faces of elderly people
and the stare they give you as if saying…
How can you do this to your child?
So are you the one who can relate to above situation? Well,
then here is the solution…
I want my Toddler to be active physically rather than being a couch potato
straining his eyes!
We completely understand you
to want your toddler to be away from the screen
and be more active physically, playing, jumping, dancing and blah blah blah!
Are these your expectations from a child?
If you said a YES, then even child would have same expectation from
you… or better to say child imitates what parents do…isn’t? So do you.
Read a book before going to sleep or browse your
smartphone or watch your favorite serial
on television?
In your free time, you go out to a park and meet friends or simply play Candy
Crush on your phone?
Which mode of communication you opt … postal mails [hand written] or emails?
To unwind yourself, you play music and dance/workout or hold your Kindle to read your favorite book.
If you chose the latter option, you are yourself using
“technology”. Your child just knows that “the toy” used by my mummy and
papa is quite tempting, and he tries to
imitate you. So unless you throw out technology from your home and neighborhood,
you do not have a way to prevent your toddler with charms of technology!
Okay, I got it! So what’s the
technologies would exist, and your child
would have to grow with these around him. So rather than feeling guilty about
allowing your children to use them look out for ways to direct him to RIGHT
In fact few of the studies
have shown that the screen time enhances kid’s skill when compared to
television viewing, for one simple reason being – on a tablet/smartphone kid is
more interactive, the kid is expected to perform an action and understand the logic.
On the other hand, television is a simple
idiot box that does not need a response,
and a continuous stare could strain kid’s eyes.
Here are quick tips to divert your kid’s time to fun and
interactive learning -
· Teach them to handle the devices carefully,
rather than always to say NO. When you say NO to him, it surprises him as he is unable to understand why that NO when you yourself are using the same thing.
content that are designed for your
toddler, even if they are paid, it’s worth the money
· Do not always use
“technology” as a babysitter [ Well, agreed unless you hand over your toddler
your iPad, he will not let you take a bath or cook food] but make sure to let
him know what he is dealing with, like Wheels on the
Bus a superbly animated and highly
interactive app. From spinning the wheels to swishing the wipers, there
is plenty for children to poke and slide and they'll love the music, almost as
much as you'll hate it.
· Limit the time. Okay,
we will watch your favorite rhyme for ten minutes and then we’ll have dinner.
Your kid needs you and you need him, so lets make efforts from our side to make this relationship a beautiful one.
Happy Parenting!
Keep Faith
Chakoli :)